Theoretical questions : 1. What is Linux ? 2.What is the history of Linux ? 3.difference between linux and unix ? 4.what is linux kernel ?Is it legal to edit the linux kernel? 5.what is shell? 6.what is LILO? 7.What is GUI? 8.what are the examples of shell used in linux ? 9.what is swap space in linux ? 10.what commands can be used to check how much memory is being used by linux OS? 11.what is maximum length of filename under linux ? 12.Explain the file permissions in linux . 13.what is inode? 14. what is process id ? 15. what is lvm ? 16.what are the directory related commands in Linux ? 17. what are the daemons? 18. what are the process states ? 19.explain grep command in linux . 20.Explain the ls command in linux . 21.Explain the redirection operator in linux. 22.what is the tar command used for ? 23. If you want to list the entries that start with the character ‘a’ in particular file , what would be the command ? cat file1.txt | grep ^a . 24.what are the min...