Post build configuration on Linux VM:
Set the hostname.
hostnamectl set-hostname <Servername>
Network configuration :
Make sure VM gets the ipv4 ip address either from DHCP or assign the static ip address to it.
Question: How to assign the static ip address to the linux machine using the nmcli ?
Answer: fire the below commands:
nmcli device
nmcli connection modify enpos3 ipv4.addresses
nmcli connection modify enpos3 ipv4.gateway
nmcli connection modify enpos3 ipv4.method manual
nmcli connection modify enpos3 ipv4.dns
nmli connection down enpos3
nmcli connection up enpos3
ip address show enpos3
nmcli connection show
Register to RHΝ.
Register to redhat network if the linux vm is redhat vm.
subscription-manager register --org <org> --activationkey <activation key> --force
Apply updates and reboot.
yum update -y
Sentinel one install.
first open winscp and transfer the rpm or deb file from windows to linux server on /var/tmp location.
Now fire the below 4 commands to install the sentinel one on the server:
rpm -i --nodigest SentinelAgent-Linux-22-2-2-2-x86-64-release.rpm
/opt/sentinelone/bin/sentinelctl management token set <token for sentinel one>
/opt/sentinelone/bin/sentinelctl control start
systemctl status sentinelone.service
AD configuration and domain join:
yum install samba-common-tools realmd oddjob oddjob-mkhomedir sssd adcli krb5-workstation: install the required packages to join the server to domain.
cat /etc/os-release : check the server OS info
realm list : this command gives the domain info
realm join -v -- user=adminid@DOMAINNAMELOCAL: join the server to domain
realm list :now you will see the domain information
cp -p /etc/sssd/sssd.conf /etc/sssd/sssd.conf_bkp1: take the backup of the sssd config file because We need to make some changes into that file.
ls -ld /etc/sssd/sssd.conf* : check if the backup has been taken or not.
vi /etc/sssd/sssd.conf : open the sssd.conf file and set "use fully qualified_names" parameter to
cat /etc/sssd/sssd.conf | grep -i fully :check if the changes are reflecting or not.
systemctl restart sssd : restart the sssd service.
realm permit -g "LA Servername_root: first create this group in AD and add the members to this group and then fire this command.
realm list : above created group will reflect in the output of realm list.
id admin_spathan: server is joined to domain, server must recognise you and should give the
output of the groups you are part of.
id admin spathan | grep -i servername : check if the user is part of the local administrator group.
groupadd admins : create the group for admins
vi /etc/sudoers :add this admins group in the sudoers file so that members of the admins group can become the superuser.
(add this line to sudoers file: admins ALL=(ALL) ALL)
usermod-aG admins admin_spathan : add the members to admins group
systemctl restart/status sssd : restart the sssd service and check its status.
realm list
usermod -aG admins clientid :who requested access on the server
cat /etc/group: check if the members are added to admins group.
now take the new putty console and check if you are able to login to the server using your admin id.
Disable SELINUX:
First take the backup of the /etc/selinux/config file.
vi /etc/selinux/config: open the file in vi editor and set "SELINUX=disabled".
cat /etc/selinux/config: check of the changes are reflecting or not.
Reboot the machine.
enable Rsyslog:
systemctl status rsyslog
systemctl start/enable rsyslog
systemctl status rsyslog
Reserve the ip address:
Go to dhcp server in AD and go to address lease and reserve the ip address.
Move computer account to appropriate OU:
when you deploy the vm in vcenter/oracle cloud/OVM/nutanix, and when you join the server to domain , computer account gets created automatically in the AD. we need to move this computer account to correct linux OU.
SNMPV3 setup :
SNMP V3 setup is done on rhel 8 and above version. SNMP v2 setup is done on centos and rhel below 8 versions.
we cant add the servers to solarwinds if we wont do the SNMP configuration on the VMs.
How to do the SNMPv3 setup on Server?
yum install net-snmp net-snmp-libs net-snmp-agent-libs net-snmp-utils
net-snmp-create-v3-user -ro -a SHA -x AES -A <password for username> <username>
systemctl start snmpd.service
systemctl enable snmpd.service
snmpwalk -v3 -u <username> -A <password for username> -a SHA -c public -I authNoPriv
netstat -na | grep :161
netstat -tulnp | grep LISTEN | grep :161
netstat -tulnp | grep LISTEN | grep :22
firewall-cmd --add-port=161/tcp : enable the firewall of not enabled allready.
firewall-cmd --add-port=161/udp
netstat -na | grep :161
systemctl restart snmpd
systemctl status snmpd
netstat -na | grep :161
Add the servers to Solarwinds using SNMP polling method.
After firing the above commands, go to solarwinds and add the server to solarwinds so that solarwinds would be able to track the resources of the server and send the necessary notifications when necessary.
Create Subtask for DNS entry.
when the server gets the static or dynamic ip from DHCP, we need to make subtask to associated team to create the DNS entry.
Create subtask for sentinelone:
we have installed the anti virus in the server. we need to check if the server is reflecting in the sentinel one console or not.
sentinel one console access is given to information security team. we need to check with this team.
Create subtask for Backup.
we need to create the backup of server as well, in future if some thing goes wrong, we can restore the server if server is added to backup.
If the user has requested to add the new disk of 100 gb and create the /data filesystem for it, then add the diskof 100GB to server in vcenter/oracle cloud/oracle VM/nutanix.
lsblk: this command will show the newly added disk in the server. if the newly added disk is sdb then fire the below commands.
fdisk /dev/sdb
n: create new partition
p: primary partition
Pick the partition number: 1
first sector: default 2048
Last sector: default
partition 1 of type Linux of size 100Gb is set.
t: change partition type
8e: change partition type to linux Ivm
w: write the table to disk and exit.
fdisk -1: it will now show the /dev/sdb1 partition created on the /dev/sdb disk.
lsblk: This will show the disk sdb and partition /dev/sdb1 of 100 GB
pvcreate /dev/sdb1 :create the physical volume of 100GB.
vgcreate datavg /dev/sdb1 :create the volume group of 100GB
lvcreate -1 100% FREE -n datalv datavg: create the logical volume of 100GB from volume group
lvdisplay : will give the lv path
df -hT
mkfs.xfs /dev/datavg/dataIv :its creating the xfs filesystem of 100GB. /dev/datavg/datalv is the LV path
mkdir /data : creating the/data directory
mount /dev/datavg/datalv /data: mount the filesystem on data directory
df -hT : it will now show the /data filesystem
cat /etc/fstab : make the entry of /data filesystem in the fstab file
vi /etc/fstab
and add the below line to fstab file :
/dev/datavg/datalv /data xfs defaults 0 0
/dev/datavg/datalv : LV path.
/data : directory on which the filesystem is mounted .
xfs : filesystem type .
and save the file .
cat /etc/fstab
umount /data: unmount /data filesystem .
df -hT : check if the /data filesystem unmounted or not.
mount /data :mount /data in the fstab file.
df-h: check if it is showing the /data filesystem in df -h output or not .
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