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NFS : Network file system


Network file system (NFS):

Its a filesystem developed by sun Microsystem.Inc.

It is a client server system that allows the users to access files accross a network and treat them as if they resided in local file directory.

For example: if you were using a computer linked to second computer via NFS, you could access files on the second computer as if they resided in the directory on the first computer. This is accomplished through the process of exporting (the process by which an NFS server provides remote clients with access to its files) and mounting (the process by which client map NFS shared filesystem)

Steps for NFS configuration on server side:

• Install NFS Packages:

#yum install  nfs-utils  libnfsidmap

once the packages are installed enable and start the NFS services

#systemctl enable rpcbind

#systemctl enable nfs-server

#systemctl start rpcbind

#systemctl start nfs-server

#systemctl start rpc-ststd

#systemctl start nfs-idmapd


create NFS share directory and assign permissions

#mkdir /mypretzels

#chmod  a+rwx /mypretzels

 modify/etc/exports file to add new shared filesystem

/mypretzels (rw,sync.no_root_squash) = for only 1 host.

#/mypretzels is the NFS share.

# is the Ip address of client machine. (instead of ip address we can use to share the NFS share with everybody).

# rw is the read write permission to client on NFS share.

• Export the NFS filesystem:

#exportfs  -rv


Steps for NFS configuration on client side:

• Install NFS packages:

#yum install nfs-utils rpcbind

 once the packages are installed enable and start rpcbind service:

 #systemctl start rpcbind

make sure firewalld or iptables stopped. (if running)

 #ps -ef | egrep "firewall | iptable"

show the mount from NFS server

#showmount -e (NFS servers ip)

 create the mount point:

#mkdir  /mnt/kramer

mount the NFS filesystem:

#mount    /mnt/kramer (NFS servers ip)

verify mounted filesystem: 


 to unmount: 

#umount   /mnt/kramer
