FTP: Its a standard network protocol used for the transfer of computer files between a client and server on the computer network. FTP is built on a client-server model architecture using separate control and data connections between client and the server.
protocol: Set of rules used by computers to communicate
default FTP port: 21
in this lecture we need 2 linux vms:
client: myfirstlinuxvm
server: linuxcentos7
login to server linuxcentos7:
1.become root.
2 rpm -qa| grep vsftpd: check if the ftp is installed or not
3. ping www.google.com: check if internet is working or not in the server.
4.yum install vsftpd: install ftp package if not installed. 5. rpm -qa | grep vsftpd: check if the ftp is installed or not.
6. cd /etc/vsftpd: go to vsftpd folder in etc directory.
7. ls -Itr: list out the content of vsftpd folder. (we need vsftpd.conf file).
8. cp -p vsftpd.conf vsftpd.conf.org: take the backup of the vsftpd.conf file. 9.vi vsftpd.conf: edit the file and make the following changes:
anonymous enable=YES (make this yes to no).
uncomment the below lines:
ascii download_enable=YES
ftpd_banner=Welcome to FTP service.
Go to end of the file and add the below line:
10. systemctl start vsftpd: start the vsftpd service
11. systemctl status vsftpd: check the status of the vsftpd service. 12. systemctl enable vsftpd: enable the service at the boot time.
13. systemctl stop firewalld stop the firewall 14. systemctl disable firewalld: disable the firewall at boot time.
15. systemctl status firewalld: check the status of the firewall.
login to the client myfirstlinuxvm:
1.login and become root
2.ping www.google.com: check the internet connectivity.
3. yum install ftp install ftp package (vsftpd package is for the server side)
4. become the normal user and go to home directory
5.touch kruger: create the file named kruger
6. write something in the kruger file
7.we need to transfer this krugar file from client to server.
8. ftp (ip of the server): it will connect to the server.
9. It will open the ftp program.
10. put kruger: send the kruger from client to server.
11. bye: exit from ftp program
12. check the file in server if it is transfered or not.
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